Category Archives: Events

Afrika’s Struggle with the Presidential Scholars

With two of my mentees/former student – Presidential Scholars – 4.0 GPA! At the reception following the award ceremony. I was invited as having the most significant impact as a faculty member on my former student.

Afrika’s Struggle and Former Students

Appetizer – White truffle caviar deviled eggs

Wagyu filet (Japanese) with sautéed mushrooms and a glass of red wine

Dining with my former students (now working at Goldman Sachs, Bloomberg, HQ Capital, etc.) and a professional colleague at Ocean Prime in Manhattan

The group celebrated one of my former students’ promotion at Goldman Sachs, NY.

Coincidentally, I ran into a group of my former international students while leaving another venue a block away. They were celebrating a job promotion for another student.

Former Student/Goldman Sachs Analyst Giving Back!

A former student and Goldman Sachs analyst stopped by my class to share his experiential journey from college to Goldman Sachs.

He discusses effective resumes, cover letters, interview preps, post-interviews (e.g., thank you letters), and the next steps after landing a position.

The former student is a commissioned officer in the US military reserves.

During his senior year, he was a national winner (along with a partner) of the Blackstone LaunchPad Idea Competition (beating 45 other colleges/universities).