Category Archives: Events

Former Students Networking at an Investment Bank on Park Avenue and Celebrating a Former Student’s Birthday in Herald Square

Celeste Guth (QC BA, Harvard MBA) invites my former students and me to PJT Partners on Park Avenue, where she is a partner. PJT Partners is an investment bank and a Blackstone Group subsidiary.

Ms. Guth held senior leadership positions (i.e., partner, vice-chairperson, board member, global head of mergers and acquisitions, etc.) at Goldman Sachs and Deutsche Bank before her current tenure at PJT Partners.

She is one of QC’s top serial prolific donors (i.e., an annual scholarship in her former mentor/professor’s name and other philanthropies supporting her alma mater).

The QC alumna shares many gems with my group. We are better for it.

Afterward, I jet off to Herald Square to celebrate a former student’s birthday.


Afrika’s Struggle Dines with Former Students and Frank M. Boccio

Mr. Frank M. Boccio (a serial donor – angel investor level – to QC) gave an MBA education to two of my former students over lunch. The students won one of four tracks of the Blackstone LaunchPad competition. Another two students – winners of one of four tracks – not present at lunch later received an autographed print copy (hardcover) of Mr. Boccio’s book: Launch, Navigate, Lead: Experiences, Attributes, and Behaviors for Continuous Career Growth.