Afrika’s Struggle: His Experiential Journey’s Fan from England

I want to show my appreciation to Lady Cherry Lena Chin for being a fan of my book, Afrika’s Struggle: His Experiential Journey.

Today, I autographed her print copy of my book via her talented and astute son, Anthony Chin – a Jamaican-British musician and a trained chemical engineer.  He resides in Chelsea, London, but he is originally from Windsor, Berkshire, in the UK.

Her son and his girlfriend are visiting New York before moving on to Turks and Caicos for the second leg of their vacation in the Western Hemisphere.

And one more thing, I give my regards to the two Nigerian princesses from Calabar, Nigeria.


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The Evolution of Afrika’s Struggle: His Experiential Journey into Film

Today, I began my 10-week screenwriting course.

Henceforth, I’ll be very busy in the next few months and beyond.

That said, I have learned a lot on the first day already.

Unfortunately, I learned that I will not be able to keep most of the novel’s material for the screenplay (85 pages to 120 pages for a beginning screenwriter).

However, I could adapt my book to a TV miniseries (10 episodes – 10 screenplays). Thus, I would then be able to keep most of my novel’s material.

Decisions, decisions, decisions….

A New York University professorial colleague is right that I need to get signed to an agent. Until then, I have to manage the “show” and the “business” aspects of this journey.


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New York City Department of Education Approved Afrika’s Struggle: His Experiential Journey as a Textbook

Exciting News!

A New York City Department of Education’ (NYC DOE) committee approved Afrika’s Struggle: His Experiential Journey as a textbook.

NYC DOE is the largest market in the United States of America. (For comparison, the Chicago Department of Education is the second largest market in the United States of America). Additionally, it is a very difficult market to access due to its rigorous and arduous vetting/application process.

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Celebrating Black History Month at the Lincoln Center and in Times Square

On President’s Day, in Manhattan, I met with interested parties as it pertains to bringing my book, Afrika’s Struggle: His Experiential Journey to film.

Keeping in tune with Black History month, later in the afternoon, I watched I Am Not Your Negro at the Film Society of the Lincoln Center. I highly recommend everyone to see it. The documentary offers you different perspectives on James Baldwin and other contemporary luminaries of his time.

Afterward, I had dinner at Chez Josephine in Times Square. Chez Josephine was founded by one of the legendary Josephine Baker’s adopted sons. The food, the ambiance, the service, the live band music (French Jazz) and the vibes were  “fantastique.”


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